Fearless & Unfiltered

We host Fearless & Unfiltered conversations on our podcast which are facilitated by our founder, Lidia Rauch. We speak to South Africans from all walks of life about what inclusivity and transformation mean to them, and how they believe our individual agency can be used to effectively address inequality.

Fearless & Unfiltered is available on all major podcast platforms or by clicking on one of our latest episodes below.

Have a listen and if you like what you hear, please subscribe and keep listening!

Our latest episodes

Episode 31

Azille Coetzee

Episode 30

Adanma Yisa

Episode 29

Ivor Swartz

Episode 28

Mbali Ntuli

Prejudice is a burden which confuses the past, threatens the future, and renders the present inaccessible.
– Maya Angelou

More content we love

This is a selection of our favourite content about the inclusivity space in our country and around the globe. Some food for thought!





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